Auteur: Paul
Formidableforms: Send form data to ChatGPT via API
I have some texts that I want to send to ChatGPT for editing and translation. This is a way to do that. This post is a way for me to document what I did and maybe you find it useful if you happen to find it. The texts that I want to input are written…
WordPress 6.4 with 2024 theme is here
Activate Because this is also my dev playground test site I just upgraded tot WordPress 6.4 and activated the 2024 theme. So, stuff like my headers and footers broke (again) and it is going to take some time before I will have fixed all of it. However, there are some very welcome new features to…
I’m going electric! Conversion to the Pipistrel VELIS Electro at the E-Flight Academy
I finally cut the knot, I’m going to do the conversion to electric flight. The endurance is puny, the price per hour is easily beaten, the base is double the distance of my usual home base and I have plenty of other stuff to do that is more important. But… It is too cool and…
This is What Happens When You Use ChatGPT to Study for Your ATPL Exam
Did you know you can use ChatGPT to do your homework and write a blogpost about it? I just had an interesting conversation with ChatGPT about Mass and Balance for ATPL. Let’s hear what happened in the words of the Grand Chatmaster himself.
Geval 4 - EASA ATPL General Navigation berekeningen tussen twee "willekeurige" punten: Vind de driehoek
Als u voor een EASA General navigation examenvraag de track en/of afstand wilt berekenen zonder de klassieke grootcirkelformules te gebruiken en nadat alle andere snelkoppelingen hebben gefaald, moet u de driehoek vinden in de lijnen die de twee coördinaten verbinden.
Geval 3 voor GNAV twee "willekeurige" punten: Als A en B op dezelfde breedtegraad liggen
Part 3 in the series about Calculating tracks and distances between two not so random points On the bottom of this post you can try your luck with two ATPL questions for this case. The plot thickens. You must have arrived here because the answer to the two previous questions is “no”. Case 1: Same…
Geval 2 voor GNAV twee "willekeurige" punten: A en B liggen op de anti-meridiaan
If case 1 is not true then try this: Question 2:Are A and B on each other’s anti-meridian? Anti-meridians are two meridians exactly 180 degrees apart that connect a great circle around the globe. Example: A: 40N 120EB: 10N 060W
Geval 1 voor GNAV twee "willekeurige" punten: A en B liggen op dezelfde meridiaan
Nu u weet dat deze vragen helemaal niet willekeurig zijn, maar speciaal zijn gemaakt voor de ATPL-examen-database, is het tijd om u het systeem te laten zien. Om je analyse te beginnen, vraag je jezelf af: Liggen A en B op dezelfde meridiaan?
Deze site verhuist van Divi naar Gutenberg
I’m renovating Long story short: The site is under construction and I’m not sure what works and what doesn’t. Exit Divi This site was originally built with the Divi page builder.Divi is great. It allows you to build a fully customised site with your own design for headers, footers, page columns, sidebars and whatever else…
Divi-be-gone: Het verwijderen van de shortcodes na het overschakelen naar Gutenberg
After disabling Divi there are leftover shortcodes everywhere. It is a lot like the time when I decided to get rid of Avada.I can remove these manually but want to try if there is a script or free plugin that works. A code snippet I found a snippet on this page that looks like it…