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This site moves to Gutenberg from Divi

I’m renovating

Long story short: The site is under construction and I’m not sure what works and what doesn’t.

Exit Divi

This site was originally built with the Divi page builder.
Divi is great. It allows you to build a fully customised site with your own design for headers, footers, page columns, sidebars and whatever else you want.


All magic comes at a price.


In this case it is that whatever caching plugin and optimising strategy I use Divi keeps being script-heavy and slow to load. I like Elementor better but could this be the time to ditch the page builders all together?

Gutenberg full site editing

The future of WordPress is the Gutenberg block editor with the new full site editing that will arrive with WordPress 6.

It is fast!!!!!

It is also still in development.
The result is that everything beyond this page is now, how shall I put this, in a state of flux.
Leftover shortcodes, broken layouts, missing fonts etc.

Will it work? Only one way to find out.

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