Case 1 for GNAV two “random” points: A and B are on the same meridian


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Calculating tracks and distances between two not so random points

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So now that you know that these questions are not random at all but specifically crafted for the ATPL exam-database it is time to show you the system.

To start your analysis, ask yourself:

Question 1:
Are A and B on the same meridian?


A: 40N 120E
B: 10N 120E

–> Yes. They are on the same meridian because they have the same longitude (120E).


– Great Circle distance = Change of latitude x 60 NM (Dis = chLAT x 60)
– The track from A to B is either 360 or 180 via the meridian.

Remember this one from the introduction?

Q4300 Oefenvragen track & distance
A flight is to be made from ‘A’ 49ºS 180ºE/W to ‘B’ 58ºS, 180ºE/W. The distance in kilometres from ‘A’ to ‘B’ is approximately:

A and B are on the meridian of 180 E/W.
They are 9 degrees apart (58S – 49S) = 9 x 60 = 540 nautical miles. –> D.
You answered C?
The question was how many kilometers…
And by the way, the track is 180.

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